Monday 28 April 2014

Shri Koneru Prasad facilitates Lift Irrigation in Andhra Pradesh

It is delightful piece of news for farmers of Andhra Pradesh that Shri Koneru Prasad is taking notable action to improve agricultural status of state. Shri Koneru Prasad desires to help farmers as nation’s progress relies on farmer’s progress. He wants to revolutionize agricultural scenario of Andhra Pradesh by introducing modern irrigation facilities in farms. After the introduction of irrigation in farms, farmers do not have to live at the mercy of monsoon to cultivate their crops. Irrigation will augment their yield also. In order to contribute in agricultural development of the state, Shri Koneru Prasad has dedicatedly worked to bring latest irrigation facilities in the state.

Shri Koneru Prasad benefits farmers of the GARA mandala village by empowering 500 acres of land with lift irrigation. With this valuable efforts of Shri Koneru Prasad, farmers can increase their yield to a great extent. Also, farmers can make optimum use of available water in agriculture process. Farmers will get a continuous supply of water through irrigation. Shri Koneru Prasad is aiming to improve status and income of farmers in Andhra Pradesh.

Along with GARA mandala village Shri Koneru Prasad took lift irrigation to Korni, Korlam, Tonangi, Vamaravalli, and Kalingapatnam villages also. In these villages he makes his full effort to provide irrigation facilities to 2500 acres of land. After working hard for farmers, Shri Koneru Prasad feels extremely happy when farmers work in their farms without any tension or worry. Shri Koneru Prasad dreams that farmers of Andhra Pradesh grow a good crop without any toil in soil.

Shri Koneru Prasad wants to benefit farmers as much as possible so he opened 5 headwalls at the GARA Mandalam Village. This good deed of Shri Koneru Prasad has proven to be very helpful to farmers and local people of the village. This effort made by Shri Koneru Prasad solves the dreadful water problem of the village. Now villagers can enjoy running water facility in their own village.

Shri Koneru Prasad has tried his level best in favor of the villagers. He realizes that the people of the village are capable of working  hard. He contributes a lot to improve the education of rural areas. He selflessly helps villagers because he thinks that progress of India depends much on progress of Indian villages. This is the reason he conducts various educational scholarship programs for needy and meritorious students of the village. He has dedicated himself in improving the condition of government hostels of Srikurmam, Gara, Bandaru Vanipet, Mogaddapadu, Parlavaripet, and Vanaravalli villages. This hard work of Shri Koneru Prasad will get success when you support his efforts.

Shri Koneru Prasad even want to improve the health status of the villagers. He desires availability of the best medical facilities in Andhra villages so that people do not have to rush big cities for treatment. His benevolent deed becomes successful only if localities will understand his new approach of changing society. If he continues his selfless effort for welfare of the villagers day is not too far when India will shine and reason behind this shine is villagers. Shri Koneru Prasad is a man who wants progress for village and villagers, farm and farmers.

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